Course Information

CranioSacral Therapy (CS)

This course will introduce you to the anatomy and physiology of the CranioSacral System through our practical hands-on “learning by discovery” method. You will learn advanced palpation skills, fascial and soft tissue release techniques, and a concise 10-step protocol for evaluation and treatment of the entire body via the CranioSacral System. To supplement class instruction you will receive a fully-illustrated, ...
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As you may know, the course material and hands-on sessions will focus on cranial base dysfunctions, the masticatory system-hard palate, mandible and temporomandibular joint; whole body evaluation; and the energy cyst with regional unwinding. An introduction to SomatoEmotional Release will also be presented. In addition to regularly scheduled course hours, you will be asked to perform, and to receive, a ...
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SomatoEmotional Release (SER)

You will learn about the physiological mechanism of disease and will participate in hands-on training to facilitate the SomatoEmotional Release process. By the end of the course, you should be able to dissipate residual effects of past trauma and negative emotional experiences from the body and mind of your patients/clients. In order to observe closure for sessions you are involved ...
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This workshop was designed to teach you how the SomatoEmotional Release technique may integrate with various creative imagery and dialoguing methods. By attending this class, you will become more proficient in the SER techniques and focus on the development of therapeutic imagery and dialoguing skills. You will also review and enlarge upon the release techniques for the avenue of expression. ...
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Auxiliary CST Courses

The goal for this class is to teach you how to better help the immune system perform its magic. To accomplish that, you’ll learn how to communicate with different cell types to find out how you can help them improve their performance, especially when invading microorganisms gain a foothold.
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This advanced CST course focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the 12 cranial nerves, how they might become dysfunctional, and how to restore function using new and existing techniques and protocols derived from Upledger CranioSacral Therapy. The workshop includes lecture, demonstration, and practice for each technique presented. Follow this link to a downloadable PDF of the CNCN1 Course Outline.
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BCB expands the work learned in CS1 and CS2 and adds another level to the biomechanical CranioSacral Therapy training. Through the fascial systems of the body there are numerous interactions between the craniosacral system (CSS) and the rest of the body. Different fascial systems can cause marked interference with the CSS function. The hands-on sessions will focus on superficial skull ...
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Discovering and integrating the various characters that live within us can be vital in helping us become more authentic, understanding human beings. As course developer Stan Gerome has said many times throughout the years. “The most valuable tool a therapist can bring to a session is a more integrated therapist”. IMPORTANT – Please bring a drawing pad, preferably A3 size, for ...
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This four-day workshop focuses on exploring and realizing the potential for communicating with another person’s brain – its structural components and individual neurons. The concept is founded on the hypothesis that every organ, tissue and cell in a living being has its own consciousness. Participants will be guided into imagery and dialogue with specific brain and spinal cord parts and ...
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