Study Groups

Study groups provide an excellent avenue for practicing your skills and further refining your understanding of concepts through sharing experiences and asking questions of other like-minded practitioners. Study groups are designed to encourage hands-on practice, technique review and an opportunity to have questions answered. All study groups are facilitated by either UI Instructors or UI Certified Practitioners.

Below you will find the locations, dates and costs for study groups around Australia. If you wish to attend any of these study groups or are interested in attending future study groups, please contact the relevant facilitator.

Follow this link to join our Upledger Institute Australia CST Study Groups, Facebook group page. This is a private group, that only UI alumni can join and will enable you to be updated as new CST Study Groups are offered around Australia.

State Facilitator Contact Location Date/Times
Adel Erin Riley, PT, CST-D 0406 249221
Register TBC
Hobart Yutaka Wakamatsu, RM, CST-T 0432 132600
Kingston, TAS TBC
Melbourne Monika Volkmar, CSCS, CST-T 0461 383074
Sth Melb Contact Monika
Syd Kristiane Heidrich, PT, CST-D 0405 501012
Register 9 April 2025
Syd Caroline Harley, PT, CST-T 02 9326 1168
Register 14 May 2025
Syd Dr. Rebecca M. Ridge, PhD, RMT, CST-D 0434 049881

6 April 2025